Dubai Municipality’s Volunteer Campaign Promotes a Cleaner and Sustainable Environment

Join Dubai Municipality's Volunteer Campaign for a Greener and Sustainable Dubai

Hamza Renewable Energy
4 Min Read


Dubai Municipality has taken remarkable strides towards creating a cleaner and more sustainable environment in the emirate. During the first half of this year, the municipality successfully recruited 4,791 dedicated volunteers and activists for its ‘An Hour with the Cleaning Worker’ campaign. This community-driven initiative plays a vital role in promoting public hygiene, waste management, and preserving the natural beauty of Dubai.

Promotion of Social Work and Volunteering for the Good of the Environment

Eng. Saeed Abdul Rahim Safar, Acting Director of the Waste Management Department at Dubai Municipality, emphasizes the municipality’s strong commitment to community projects and volunteerism. These initiatives serve as pillars for maintaining public sanitation and implementing environmentally sound waste management practices. Working in partnership with 62 government, business, and civic organizations, Dubai Municipality encourages people from all walks of life, including employees, students, and individuals with disabilities, to take an active part in these efforts to create a greener and more sustainable environment.

Making an Impact: The ‘An Hour with the Cleaning Worker’ Initiative

The ‘An Hour with the Cleaning Worker’ initiative has attracted significant interest and participation from volunteers representing various organizations. In the first half of the year, these dedicated individuals devoted a total of 4,791 hours to hygiene activities. They meticulously collected and responsibly disposed of various types of waste from key locations, including beaches, markets, residential areas, and even the vast desert regions of Dubai. Thanks to their collective efforts, 9.4 tons of waste were collected. Notably, 70% of this waste was directed to recycling facilities, resulting in a cleaner, more sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing Emirate.

A Year-Round Project for Charitable and Environmental Endeavors

Dubai Municipality’s ‘An Hour with the Cleaning Worker’ project is an ongoing initiative that promotes charitable and environmental activities within the community. Organizations interested in participating can coordinate with the municipality to determine the level of volunteering required. By mobilizing their teams and employees, these organizations can make a tangible impact on Dubai’s cleanliness and sustainable development. This project serves as a powerful reminder of the community’s commitment to positive environmental change.

Recognition and Awards: Celebrating Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

The remarkable efforts of Dubai Municipality’s ‘An Hour with the Cleaning Worker’ initiative have earned them prestigious recognition and awards. The municipality was honored with the highly regarded Community Footprint Award at the 10th Annual ‘Watani Al Emarat Humanitarian Work Award’. This recognition underscores the municipality’s unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes and sustainable practices. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates secured first place in the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation for Volunteering Badges competition, highlighting the global impact of Dubai’s volunteer initiatives. These awards not only emphasize Dubai’s dedication to volunteering but also inspire communities worldwide to take action in protecting the environment.


The recruitment of over 4,791 volunteers and activists for the ‘An Hour with the Cleaning Worker’ campaign exemplifies Dubai Municipality’s firm commitment to creating a cleaner and more sustainable environment. Through their selfless work, these volunteers have made a significant contribution by collecting substantial amounts of waste and enhancing the cleanliness and attractiveness of Dubai. The recognition and awards received by Dubai Municipality showcase their outstanding commitment to community service and environmental protection.

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