Dubai Customs Pioneers Innovation with Over 54,000 Ideas Contributed

Turning Ideas into Global Trade Innovations.

Ahmad Business Ideas
3 Min Read

Dubai Customs is not just about ensuring smooth trade and customs operations; it’s also becoming an innovation powerhouse in the region. With “Dubai Customs Innovation” as its mantra, the organization continues to break new ground. Since the launch of government suggestion systems, an astounding 54,318 innovative ideas have been contributed by Customs staff up to June 2023, showcasing a robust commitment to redefining the norms of customs operations.

Hussein Al-Fardan, the revered Director of the Innovation Center at Customs, shed light on the vision driving this innovative spree. “At Customs, we believe in fostering an environment ripe for innovation. We envision spaces where our teams collaboratively brainstorm, bringing forth developmental ideas and strategies to better our operations,” expressed Al-Fardan. Going beyond just ideation, Dubai Customs has been pivotal in benchmarking and sharing its innovative experiences. Their focus has been on both governmental and private entities, locally and internationally. The aim? To galvanize these bodies into advancing their innovation systems.

“The transfer of knowledge and experiences isn’t just about brandishing our achievements. It’s a testament to our dedication to serving the global community, strengthening cross-border trade, and enhancing economies. We want to lay down platforms that spark creativity, turning novel ideas into tangible, value-adding innovations and projects,” Al-Fardan elucidated.

Dubai Customs’ commitment to innovation has not gone unnoticed on the global front. The organization has garnered numerous accolades and awards from prestigious bodies such as Ideas UK, Ideas America, and Ideas Arabia, cementing its place as a global leader in innovation. In a bid to share its pioneering approach, last year saw numerous delegations, including from the Ministry of Finance in Kuwait and the State of Somalia, visiting Dubai Customs. These delegations were introduced to the Customs Innovation of Dubai model, providing insights into how the entity drives idea generation and sustains innovations.

As Dubai Customs continues its trajectory of innovation, the world watches keenly. With such dedication, it’s evident that ‘the Customs innovation’ is not just a phrase – it’s a movement.

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