UAE Traffic Light Guide To Avoid Fines and Stay Safe at Intersections

Safely Navigate UAE Traffic Lights: Rules to Avoid Fines and Stay Safe

Khalid Transport
4 Min Read

As per the UAE Traffic Law, motorists who jump a red light face a fine of Dh1,000 fine, 12 black points, and the vehicle being impounded for 30 days. Picture used for illustrative purposes only.

Navigating traffic lights in the UAE can be challenging. Understanding the rules can help you avoid fines and stay safe. Here are seven essential rules for drivers and pedestrians at red lights.

A Dubai cityscape is pictured at sunset. showing the beautiful roads intersections.

Dos and Don’ts at Intersections

As you approach a junction, several factors require your attention. How much should you slow down? Are the cars behind you aware of your lowering speed? Are there any pedestrians crossing the intersection even though the signal is green?

In its July edition, the Ministry of Interior’s 999 magazine outlines essential dos and don’ts for motorists at intersections with traffic lights.

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  1. Anticipate Signal Changes: Be aware of potential light changes when approaching traffic signals.
  2. Safe Stopping at Amber Lights: Stop safely before the signal turns red when you see an amber or yellow signal.
  3. Watch for Sudden Braking: Be mindful of vehicles in front of you that might brake suddenly to avoid running a red light.
  4. Monitor Traffic and Signals: In dense traffic, keep an eye on both the traffic and the signals.


  1. Do Not Speed Up at Amber Signals: Avoid accelerating to beat the red light.
  2. Do Not Be Distracted: Signaled intersections are ‘hot spots’ requiring your full concentration. Avoid distractions while driving.
  3. Pedestrians, Beware: Pedestrians must also avoid crossing during red signals at pedestrian crossings.

Additional Tips from Dubai’s RTA

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) also provides helpful tips for safe driving at intersections:

  1. Know the Sequence of Traffic Lights: Flashing yellow requires extra caution, as it indicates a malfunction.
  2. Identify Traffic Lights Well in Advance.
  3. Check Mirrors and Adjust Speed on Approach.
  4. Ensure Lane Alignment Even After Crossing the Junction.
  5. Match Speed to Prevailing Conditions.

Risk Factors at Red Light Intersections

Avoid these risk factors at red light intersections:

  1. Trying to ‘Beat the Lights’.
  2. Stopping Suddenly at the Lights: This increases the risk of a rear-end collision.
  3. Beware of Other Motorists: Some might jump a red light from the left or right.

Penalties for Jumping a Red Light

Jumping a red light in the UAE comes with severe penalties. According to the UAE Traffic Law, offenders face a fine of Dh1,000, 12 black points, and vehicle impoundment for 30 days.

Stricter Penalties in Different Emirates:

Dubai: To release the vehicle from impound, you must pay Dh50,000, as per Decree No. 30 of 2023.

Abu Dhabi: You must pay Dh50,000 to release the vehicle from impoundment. Additionally, the motorist’s driving licence will be suspended for six months, as per Law No. 5 of 2020.

If the impounded vehicle is not released within three months, it will be auctioned off.

By following these guidelines and understanding the penalties, you can navigate UAE intersections safely and avoid hefty fines.

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