Cop28 UN Climate Conference Urges Nations to Join Global Cooling Pledge for Sustainable Solutions

Cooling the World Sustainably: Uniting for Climate Solutions at Cop28 UN Climate Conference

Ahmad Global
5 Min Read

As the Cop28 UNUNUN climate conference approaches, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, President-designate of the conference, is calling on more countries to join a pledge to deliver sustainable cooling solutions. The initiative, known as the ‘Global Cooling Pledge’, was announced jointly by the UN Environment Programme and the Cop 28 Presidency earlier this year. The pledge incentivizes governments and stakeholders to take action on sustainable cooling in five key areas, including nature-based solutions, super-efficient appliances, food and vaccine cold chains, district cooling, and National Cooling Action Plans.

More than 20 nations have already signed up to the pledge, demonstrating their commitment to combatting climate change and providing climate-friendly cooling access to vulnerable communities. Sustainable Energy for All, an independent organization with close ties to the UN, has highlighted that nearly 2.5 billion people currently lack access to such cooling solutions. Moreover, over one billion people are at high risk due to extreme heat, primarily concentrated in Africa and Asia. Standard cooling solutions, including air conditioning, contribute to more than 7 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. If the current usage rate continues, energy needs for space cooling are projected to triple by 2050, significantly increasing associated emissions.

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, also serving as the UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, stressed the urgency of the situation while speaking on the sidelines of the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and the G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting. He stated, “We cannot continue cooling expansion on a business-as-usual basis. Without strong policy action, emissions from this sector will rise by 7 to 10 percent from today. To address this dilemma, we must rapidly transition to energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling.”

Acknowledging the significance of global cooperation, Dr. Al Jaber expressed his gratitude to Dan Jorgensen, Danish Minister for Development and Global Climate Policy, and Dr. Jitendra Singh, India’s Minister of Science and Technology, for their dedication as Cool Champions in promoting worldwide action on sustainable cooling. The Global Cooling Pledge seeks to extend cooling access to the most vulnerable communities, safeguarding them from extreme heat and ensuring the preservation of fresh food and vaccines, particularly in regions of the global south, small island states, and least developed countries.

Dr. Al Jaber emphasized that providing cooling access to those in need is achievable without undermining the ongoing energy transition. He stated, “In a warming world, sustainable cooling is critical for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting against heat stress, enabling productivity, reducing food loss, and enhancing access to healthcare. Cooling is not just a matter of environmental concern but also climate justice, as heat disproportionately affects lower-income communities and families.”

As the Cop28 conference approaches, Dr. Al Jaber called upon all countries to join the Global Cooling Pledge, adding that momentum is growing with more than 20 early supporters, including India and Denmark. He urged the global community to come together to address the cooling challenge ahead of the conference.

The Cop28 UN climate conference is scheduled to be hosted at Expo City Dubai in November and will mark the first “global stocktake” of progress in limiting climate change. Dr. Al Jaber outlined the UAE’s four-pillar plan for the conference, which includes fast-tracking the energy transition, addressing climate finance, prioritizing people’s well-being, and ensuring inclusivity is a hallmark of the summit in Dubai.

During a climate meeting in Brussels, Dr. Al Jaber emphasized the importance of updating emissions plans by September to align them with the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, which he described as the “north star” of his agenda for Cop28. As the world gathers for Cop28, it is clear that sustainable cooling solutions are essential in the fight against climate change, and global collaboration is the key to safeguarding vulnerable communities and creating a more sustainable future for all.

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